Danielle Goshay

September, 2020
September 2, 2020

September, 2020


The ongoing pandemic has marked a period in recent history in which our relationships to space and place, our senses and receptivity, and to each other have been directly challenged, and our physical movements became more navigated, intentional, conscious acts that could potentially have consequences. Locative, 2020 retraces the simplicity of familiar, daily life and interactions that we often take for granted, while resonating a resiliency and constant forward progression.

Danielle Goshay is a Canadian/American visual artist based in Toronto whose practice includes digital and film photography and experimental/alternative process. Goshay studied at Pittsburgh Filmmakers media arts center in Pennsylvania. She has exhibited work in Pittsburgh and Toronto and has been published internationally.

Website: daniellegoshayphotography.com
IG: @daniellegoshay

Spectra One
October 13 - 31, 2021
@ Artscape Youngplace
2nd & 3rd floors, Hallway Galleries
Monday to Sunday from 8am-9pm

Zoom receptions:
Saturday, October 23rd @ 1pm
Tuesday, October 26th @ 7pm