Danielle Goshay
an assortment of halos, 2021-2022
Danielle Goshay is a Canadian/American artist based in Toronto whose practice includes experimental digital and film photography and alternative process. Goshay studied at Pittsburgh Filmmakers media arts center and has exhibited work in Pittsburgh and Toronto. Her published visual art and creative non-fiction can be found in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Sublet Press, maybe. magazine for analogue photography, AGON Journal, Hecate Magazine, and KNACK Magazine.
Artist Statement
Noctis explores scanography as a meditative practice in art therapy, automatism, ritual, and scrying with focus on process and experimentation. Goshay creates distortions, abstractions, and long exposures by moving materials such as fire, water, and found objects over a flatbed scanner as it operates. The resulting images feature assumed, imagined, and idealized psychological formations and constructed landscapes similar to how one may interpret an inkblot.
Contact the artist directly for information on purchasing.
Website: daniellegoshayphotography.com, adleridhees.com
IG: @daniellegoshay
May 18th - June 5th, 2022
Artscape Youngplace, 180 Shaw St, Toronto
Hallway Galleries, 2nd and 3rd floors
Artist Talk and Tour
May 21, 2022
1pm: 3rd floor