David Shuken

“Outer-Space/ Inner-Space and Through the Looking Glass”, Whitewash Glass 1st edition 1 of 5, in the summers of 2011/2012


David Shuken has been an observer all his life and was introduced to photography as a child. His childhood was filled with art and museum trips. Upon graduation from Ryerson with a BAA, he continued to pursue his passion for photography. He also shot one cookbook (40 images) ‘Mindful, Better Brain Health’ and was published in “The Cook’s Garden” for Canadian Gardening. Engine Gallery, Scarborough Arts Council and Gallery 44 have displayed his work. In 2021, his portraits appeared in PhotoED and in “Fleeting Moments”, a still life online exhibit for Analog Forever

Artist Statement

The images in Outer Inner-Space consist of whitewashed glass abstractions from the Victorian style Conservatory at Allen Gardens in Toronto. Whitewash is used for diffusing the sunlight coming through the windows. Over time, the solution is worn by heat and age. Shuken processed the contact sheets shot on film (4x5 format camera) with a large magnification in the black and white negatives which gave the tactical feel of the relief of the windows' surface. The photographs suggest looking through a microscope or a telescope to unseen worlds.

Contact the artist directly for information on purchasing.

Contact: dave@davidshuken.com 
Website: www.davidshuken.com

May 18th - June 5th, 2022
Artscape Youngplace, 180 Shaw St, Toronto
Hallway Galleries, 2nd and 3rd floors

Artist Talk and Tour
May 21, 2022
1pm: 3rd floor