Lilianne Schneider

Water and Tocapu, 2021


Lilianne Schneider is a self-taught photographer, born and raised in Peru living in Toronto since the late 1980s. She is influenced by the rich experimental film scene in Toronto and her various travels abroad. They have forged her sensitivity for the environment that surrounds her. She is constantly looking for photographic subjects in the streets where society and the richness of the cultural landscape converge. Photography opens her mind to experiment and recreate the scenes that might go unnoticed to others. She has participated in group exhibitions around Toronto at few Galleries and public spaces to enlighten viewers with contemporary and social photography.

Artist Statement

The series “Symbolic perspective” reflects on the complementary principles of the air, the earth and the water as the generators of the universe and the respect we owe to them for a sustainable future. The Andean native ancestor honored the order of nature and the cosmic knowledge for centuries.

Contact the artist directly for information on purchasing.


May 18th - June 5th, 2022
Artscape Youngplace, 180 Shaw St, Toronto
Hallway Galleries, 2nd and 3rd floors

Artist Talk and Tour
May 21, 2022
1pm: 3rd floor