Adrian Amariucai
Together/Apart #1, 2021
Adrian Amariucai (pronounced am-ah-rue-kai), is a PPOC accredited multidisciplinary lens-based artist, freelance photographer, and graduate from Ryerson University’s Photography Studies program. Amariucai focuses on documenting the human experience contextualized by life within the urban environment. He has particular interests in candid photography, environmental portraiture, and documentary. His work is often subdued; highlighting strong themes of isolation within metropolitan life. Amariucai has exhibited in Ryerson’s Third Year Show where he achieved the Best in Show Award, and Maximum Exposure. His professional work consists of freelance architecture and interior design photography. His work can be seen at, @adrianstilesphoto and @adstlz
Artist Statement
We live in an age of duality. The human species is connected like never before. Yet, many of us feel more isolated than ever. Together, We Are Apart is a visual study of this duality with images of both isolation and togetherness - frequently juxtaposed in a single frame. The project explores what it means to be together during a time of pandemic-induced isolation, social media and smartphone addiction. Is our interconnectedness a blessing, or a curse? Must we simply redefine “togetherness”? As the world changes around us, the answer is unclear. So, for now, together, we are apart.
Contact the artist directly for information on purchasing.
IG: @adrianstilesphoto and @amsastree
May 18th - June 5th, 2022
Artscape Youngplace, 180 Shaw St, Toronto
Hallway Galleries, 2nd and 3rd floors
Artist Talk and Tour
May 21, 2022
11am: 2nd floor