David Scriven

Alexandra Park, 2020 David Scriven

Alexandra Park, 2020 David Scriven


David Scriven is a lens-based artist living in Toronto’s Little Portugal neighbourhood where he began a practice of capturing urban life in its streets and laneways. Working with film using cameras inherited from his father, his images are grounded in documentary photography. His restrained style and fond eye offer viewers an opportunity to recognize often fleeting images from their everyday experience. Overall, his work explores decay and renewal in the urban ecosystem. In 2020 he captured the extensive change underway at Toronto’s Alexandra Park Community Housing Cooperative. His images shown at Spectra 2021 are drawn from this body of work, which will also be published in photo book format. In 2020, Scriven was part of the 2020 Spectra Contract Photography show at Artscape Youngplace. In 2019, he participated in group shows at Gallery 44 in Toronto, and ViewPoint Gallery in Halifax.

Contact the artist directly for information on purchasing.

Contact:  Dscriven57@gmail.com
Website: davidscrivenphotography.com
IG: @davidalbertscriven

Spectra One
October 13 - 31, 2021
@ Artscape Youngplace
2nd & 3rd floors, Hallway Galleries
Monday to Sunday from 8am-9pm

Zoom receptions:
Saturday, October 23rd @ 1pm
Tuesday, October 26th @ 7pm